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InTASC Standard 2

InTASC Standard #2 Learning Differences: 

The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards (InTASC, 2013).

Brief Discription of Evidence: 

In the spring semester of 2022, in my EDUC 230- The Exceptional Child class, I created a lesson plan to help a student that struggles with reading in class. The lesson plan not only helps the student but also helps other students to improve and grow their knowledge and understanding. The lesson plan topic was over language arts for a second-grade class. My teammates and I were able to come up with different leveled books all associated with Chinese culture. My group and I worked together to come up with differentiated books to help each student depending on their level of reading. The three groups were group 1 in which they excel in reading and need more challenging books, group 2 in which they have done well in reading but need little improvement, and group 3 in which they struggle with reading and need a lot of improvement.

Analysis of What I Learned: 

Throughout the Exceptional Child class, I was able to learn a lot about how important and beneficial writing differentiated lesson plans are. I learned more about how it helps all students, not just some students. Putting the students into groups helps a lot with doing group work and working on different areas that the students struggle with. I would be able to see more about the weaknesses and strengths of each of the students by being able to work with them in small groups. I learned about how it takes a lot more thorough planning to make sure you are completing each of the areas for the students to make sure they are being challenged but also it is helping them grow their knowledge and understanding.

How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the InTASC Standard:

I have demonstrated my competence in this standard by thoroughly planning a differentiated lesson plan for readers. My team members and I were able to work together as teachers and talked about several different strategies and ideas to help each of the students. A theorist that is important to this project is Carol Tomlinson because she believes that our goal as teachers is to make sure you are not only teaching content but are also helping students learn from it although they are learning at different paces and levels. According to research, “Differentiation really means trying to make sure that teaching and learning work for the full range of students, which really should be our goal as teachers” (University of Virginia, 2019). This is important because she sees how it not only helps the students but helps the teachers see where the students are struggling and how differentiated solutions can benefit a wide range of students. As a teacher, I was able to understand more about how individual differences are more important than teaching content. I was able to use different books for each of the groups to help with their different needs to help them better understand the content and see where different words, phrases, grammar, etc. come from. My teammates and I also incorporated Chinese culture books into our lesson plan to make it more diverse. We were able to ensure communities that inclusive learning environments enable each learner to meet high standards by using a diverse and differentiated lesson plan to meet each of the needs of each of the students to accomplish their challenges and to keep working towards their end goal of improvement.


Council of Chief State School Officers. (2013, April). Interstate Teacher

            Assessment and Support Consortium InTASC Model Core

            Teaching Standards and Learning Progressions for Teachers 1.0:              A Resource for Ongoing Teacher Development Washington, DC:              Author.

University of Virginia. (2019, December 11). Faculty Conversation: Carol 

           Tomlinson on Differentiation. School of Education and Human

           Development | University of Virginia.



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